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Showing posts from January, 2020

Diversity and Culture

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture Josephine Diete-Spiff Walden University Diversity and Culture It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength - Maya Angelou Just as the natural environment depends on biodiversity, so the human environment depends on cultural diversity, because no one civilization encompasses all the spiritual, ethical, and artistic expressions of mankind. – Jonathan Sacks There are different views and perceptions about diversity and culture. This presentation takes into cognizant the definition and views of others concerning culture and diversity. Thus, comparing these views to researched works studied in the class of perspective of diversity and equity, two friends and a family member interviewed and classified as A, B, and C.   Others Definition of Culture In the search for the meaning of culture from friends and family, the following came into fore. Friend “A” saw


My Family Culture Josephine Diete-Spiff Walden University My Family Cultural Items Description   If confronted with unforeseen circumstances and made to leave my country with only three of my family cultural items, it will be a soul-searching event as my family cultural artifacts vary. Nevertheless, I concluded that my Holy Bible, Golf Set, and Coral Beads are most dear to me because they represent my family lifestyle, and acceptability by others is conventional. My Holy Bible The Bible is an integral part of my family culture and has been in use for generations. As a Christian family, it is traditional for us to wake up very early every morning, gather in the living room, and read our Bibles before going to school or work. My family believes the Bible is the word of God and is our daily guard to healthy living. The Bible is the dependable word of God that contains the history of man’s creation, relationship with God, man’s fall, Christ, who is God sons’ birth, instru