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Showing posts from March, 2020

In Support of Children and Families

In Support of Children and Families Josephine Diete-Spiff Walden University My Experience with an Ally I had an experience at the age of 9 that remain evergreen in my memory. It happened at my school. My teacher was used to hitting our knuckles with a wooden ruler for coming to school late. On that fateful day, I have arrived at school late because I had to help my mom to cook that morning. She did major cooking because she was traveling and wanted to stockpile the home with food for the family. I being the eldest daughter, had to assist her and take instructions on how to prepare meals in her absence.  I started cooking at the age of seven, but major meals like soups were still done by her then. Equally, I had to trek to school, and it was quite a distance from my home. I arrived trembling, knowing the outcome. I would have preferred to stay at home that day, but my mom insisted I go to school, and I was too afraid of my teacher to tell her the outcome of being l