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Showing posts from December, 2019


My Latest Book. Just out...Grab a copy


Daily Support Josephine Diete-Spiff Walden University Dr. Dartt Graduate Certification in Early Childhood Administration, Management and Leadership December 5, 2019 My Supports The word support connotes assistance. Help in times of need. Supports are given in different circumstances, and everybody needs support one time or the other in life. Support in one's life starts from birth to adulthood. Lending a helping hand is essential, as an old adage from my local language states that the impossible is achieved through help. Accordingly, Misty Copeland reinforces the concept in this quote; My Daily Support Support for me is critical to my survival and in achieving my goals in life. I have various categories of supporters and they all contribute to my wellbeing. The different phases of my life that require support factors are classified as my personal needs, my home needs, my office needs, and my kingdom's needs. In my personal life, I have a per