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Daily Support
Josephine Diete-Spiff
Walden University
Dr. Dartt
Graduate Certification in Early Childhood Administration, Management and Leadership
December 5, 2019
My Supports
The word support connotes assistance. Help in times of need. Supports are given in different circumstances, and everybody needs support one time or the other in life. Support in one's life starts from birth to adulthood. Lending a helping hand is essential, as an old adage from my local language states that the impossible is achieved through help. Accordingly, Misty Copeland reinforces the concept in this quote;
My Daily Support
Support for me is critical to my survival and in
achieving my goals in life. I have various categories of supporters and they all contribute to my wellbeing. The different phases of my life that require support factors are classified as my personal needs, my home needs, my office needs, and my kingdom's needs.
In my personal life, I have a personal assistant (PA), whose job is to assist me in each of my endeavors; starting from my waking hours to my sleeping hours. I also have an orderly, whose job is to see to my safety, he is always around me in all my movements. I have a laundering and housekeeping personnel; who does my washing and cleaning of the house, a cook, security guards at my gate, a driver. My friends and my husband do cater to my emotional needs.
Equally, I have in my office a secretary, accountant, and staff that caters to my business needs and my career/ambition needs. Likewise, I have supportive personnel for my kingdom's needs. As a queen, I have support from my woman leader and her executives, my youth president, and his executives, my kingdom aide-de-camp (ADC) who is at my beck and call. I also have support from the government, companies in my kingdom, and its environs who supports my projects for the good of my people. These people contribute to my personal safety, ambition, relaxation, joy, and wellbeing.
However, their absence will cause a vacuum in my life, and most tasks will be challenging to achieve. Although, in some countries, help is difficult to find, so in such situations, people are used to minimal assistance and have learnt to do things themselves, but the issues are they might not achieve as much as one with lots of helpers.
Challenges with My Supports
Supporters are humans and do need some form of support or the other in their daily lives, they are also imperfect. Issues I have had with supporters range from non-commitment, laziness, demanding, untruthful, money-conscious, difficulty, and disobedient. But over the years, I have learnt to select those to support me with care and more scrutiny to have the best and at the slight notice of unwanted behavior are replaced.
My Desired Supports. Support importance cannot be overemphasized, and the desire to have support comes with every given or new task. Now that I am back to school, I do wish to have support with my academics, someone to do the research and help with the typing will be of help; that way I can have some rest from my busy schedule.
The absence of such help has only made things very stressful for me. The impact of my desire for such assistance is to enable me to live a healthier life with more time allocated to other ideas of interest. However, the aim of studying is defeated. Today, man is becoming lazy, with the presence of remote controls. One wants to stay in a spot and control others and things. Yet, humans need a plan to complete a given task of the day. Hence particular support is often required for the different scheduled programs (Laureate Education (Producer)., 2013).
Support implies inclusiveness and is a necessity in life. Educators should accord such support to children under their care to assist their growth. Life is full of challenges, and one needs help to tackle these challenges. Children are born with different problems and do need support to survive, even to become adults. Therefore, let us join hands together to lend a helping hand to those in need around us, especially children.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2013). Individually responsive practice [Video file]. Retrieved from


  1. Hi Lady Josephine,
    You do have an array of supports and these supports are crucial to you. It shows us that our families also need support from us in order for them to function in today's society.

    Very informative post...
    Thanks for sharing


    1. Dear Jezelle,
      Thanks for taking out time to read my post and for your kind words. Its both ways. I do need a lot of support and they also need me. I have to support them all one way or the other. It takes two for effective support. In our case, its the child and the teacher. God bless.
      Best Regards,
      Queen Josephine

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