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Showing posts from February, 2020

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression II

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression II Josephine Diete-Spiff Walden University The Hope of Cultural Competence In working with children and families from separate upbringings, one hope that I have is cultural competence to support their progress. Thus, the phrase cultural competence connotes the ability to comprehend, converse with, and efficiently intermingle with people from diverse cultures (Goodwin & Kai, 2019). Cultural competence practice needs an evaluation of one's behavior , ethics and the attainment of values. Plus, knowledge, talents, and qualities that enable a person to work correctly in different cultural circumstances (Betancourt et al. 2016). The importance of cultural competence is notable in the components of consciousness, behavior, and talent. Therefore, to exhibit cultural competence, I must understand that culture is more than people's skin color, discover each child's cultural upbringing, establish my cultural ef

Welcoming Families From Around the World

Welcoming  Families  From  Around the World Josephine Diete-Spiff Walden University Celebrate diversity, practice acceptance and may we all choose peaceful options to conflict.-  Donzella Michele Malon Chosen Country and Location Per One World Nations Online (2020), Switzerland is a federal state in Central Europe. It has Germany, by the north, Austria, the Principality of Liechtenstein, to the east, Italy, to the south and France, to the west. The official names of Switzerland are Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (German), Confederation Suisse (French), and Confederazione Svizzera (Italian). The short form of Switzerland is Suisse, Schweiz, Svizzera. The international long-form is Swiss Confederation, and the short form is Switzerland. Switzerland's nationalities are Swiss. Switzerland has a population of 8.3 million in 2015. Official languages spoken in Switzerland are German, Italian, French, and Romansch. Culturally Responsive Teaching Culture is

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression Josephine Diete-Spif Walden University An Incident of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression The words bias, prejudice, and oppression connote the inflicting of injustice on people due to no fault of theirs and society allows such. Derman-Sparks and Edwards (2010) explain bias as behavior or feeling from an unjust position that supports a negative attitude to a person or group because of their identity (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010). Prejudice on the other hand results from a preconceived judgment, unconfirmed negative report against a person, race, or gender (Herek, 2012). While oppression is the exercise of authority or advantage over a person or group to the advantage of another (Delphy, 2016; Thompson, 2017), as seen in my case. The incident of bias, prejudice, and the oppression I experienced happened in my Kingdom, Twon Brass, Bayelsa State. Nigeria, in 2010. 2011 was an electoral year in my State, and 2010


Practicing Awareness of Microaggression   Josephine Diete-Spiff Walden University Microaggression Microaggression expression specifies the views of certain persons concerning another in an insulting manner deliberately or unconsciously (DeSalles, Morigeau, & Michaels, 2018; Laureate Education (Producer)., 2011). Such conditions happen when a person feels superior to another person. These insults are spoken or made subtly, but it still can cause harm to the person targeted as inferior.  Microaggression Example I hail from an oil-rich coastal kingdom in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. Our kingdom (community) is an Island and an oil merchant main base (host company). The lighting (electricity) system is generated and distributed by the host company, and my community has enjoyed constant 24-hour light, which is alien to my country. However, the light began to have issues from last month, affecting the festive period adversely. The people complained, but the host compa